Downtown Sac

Concerts in the Park 25th Season Captured Through The Lens

Jordyn Anderson


We had a KILLER 25th season of Concerts in the Park and we can’t believe it’s over. Take a ride back through time and let’s relive our favorite moments of Sacramento’s longest running outdoor music festival.

Special thanks to our photography and social media partners: Felipe Silva (@the_lost_coast); Sacramento365 (@Sacramento365); Elizabeth Delgado (@Elzbth); Erika Heath (@itserikachirstine); Tra Huynh (@twotwentyphotos); Henry Huynh (@hhhuynh); Xing Liu (@caliallstaring); Jeff Bravo (@bravojeff); Tina Harding (@onelastshot); Yarcenia Garcia (@unseenheros); Will Thompson (@goodthompson); Edgar Guerra (; Emily Frei (@streetsac); Andrew Rodriguez (@sacafterdark); Mario Maynor (@maynorchrome); Suha Mussallam (@suhamussallam); Crocker Art Museum (@crockerart); Christine Ballisty (@christineballisty); Mickey Morrow (@micadew); Shannon Bourque (; Zayn Silmi (@thepeopleofsacramento); and, Cap City Moms (@heywildrumpus).