Old Sacramento

The Eerie History of the Old Sacramento Waterfront

Jordan Alwood

If you’ve ever felt anything strange or supernatural at the Old Sacramento Waterfront, you’re not alone.

In celebration of Halloween next week, we’ve taken a dive into the creepy past of Old Sacramento– and we’ve uncovered some spine-tingling secrets. Read on if you dare!

Dingley Steam Coffee & Spice Mill building

The Dingley Steam Coffee & Spice Mill building was not always just an office space. This historic landmark use to belong to a man named Nathaniel Dingley, who was a spice merchant and coffee roaster. The first floor was his workplace, and the upstairs was where he lived.  Bumps and things being thrown off shelves have been heard from downstairs visitors, while some claim that objects move around upstairs when no one is there. It is rumored that Nathaniel is haunting the building and has not left since he died inside the house in 1897.

The Vernon-Brannan House

The Vernon-Brannan House, also known as “Site of the Sam Brannan House,” was built in 1854 as the Jones Hotel. It was later on replaced by Sam Brannan and was turned into Sacramento’s first post office. However, the building burnt down in 1852. Years later in 1865, the property was re-purchased by Peter Bryding and restored. However, many believe that a woman haunts the building due to being distraught and grieving about the building burning down in the past. Some claim that if you stand on the stairs too long, she will whisper in your ear, “excuse me.” The spirit is also said to turn on the upper balcony lights if someone is out on the patio.

Sacramento History Museum

The Sacramento History Museum (previously known as the original City Hall and Waterworks) has some seriously creepy vibes about it. Physics and other people sensitive to paranormal activity said some artifacts found in the museum give off a “special energy.” This could come from the history of three men who were hung at the site in 1863.

The Eagle Theatre

The Eagle Theatre is a reconstruction of the first building erected in California as a theatre. The original playhouse provided Gold Rush Sacramentans with entertainment for three months before the flood of January 4, 1850. Due to the tragic loss of valuables and building structure due to the flood, many are still haunted by the building to this day. Some claim the ghost of a 1970s director is to blame for the eerie bumps and movements that have been occurring in the Eagle Theater. Visitors also say that any chairs left on stage at the end of the night are inexplicably moved overnight.

Feeling scared?

If you’re not spooked out about these chilling stories, then we give props to you for being so brave! We certainly will be sleeping with a night light tonight. Happy Halloween season!